USDA has announced that they are extending the acreage reporting deadline for FSA to Friday, August 2, 1013. Reporting acreage to the FSA is necessary for eligibility for various programs such as (Conservation Reserve Program (CRP); Direct and Counter-clynical Program (DCP); Average Crop Revenue Election Program (ACRE); and the Non-insured Crop Disaster Assistan Program (NAP).
Reck Agri also uses FSA information when you are ready to sell your land. This reporting is very important to give prospective buyers helpful statistics about your property, acreage, tenure, water, soil type and crop yields. When you list your farm and ranch land for sale, the more information you provide will bring you the best price for your property. Reck Agri will is licensed in Colorado, Nebraska and Kansas and will gather all the pertinent information to market land for sale.
See full FSA – Colorado State News Release