
We get the job done right for sellers and buyers alike.


The Proof is in the Numbers

  • 1,975
  • 920,666
  • 421
  • 18,437
  • $835,813,598


  • Closed 1,975 transactions to date, selling more than 920,666 acres
  • Prices of properties sold range from $52,000 to $18,750,000
  • Size of properties sold range from 5 acres to 24,000 acres
  • Conducted 421 auctions, 471,709 acres, 1,877 parcels, 110% of target price
  • Offered 20,000 acres at auction in 59 tracts, selling in 6 hours to 18 buyers
  • Average 76 days from signing listing contract to closing, when sold at auction
  • More than 18,437 auction attendees
  • Ranked 14th out of top 30 auction companies nationally, as per THE LAND REPORT magazine
  • Colorado Chapter Realtor Land Institute “Realtor of the Year”
  • Sold 93% of our listings
  • Liquidated property as part of bankruptcy court plan and served as a partition commissioner and court appointed receiver
  • Liquidated property to settle divorce settlements between husband & wife
  • Sold property for and worked with personal representatives, trustees, partners, stockholders, CPA’s, attorneys, and heirs to liquidate property to settle and dissolve states & trusts, and to facilitate corporate, partnership, or family business dissolution
  • Worked with estates with up to 27 heirs & 17-member corporate board
  • Worked with both buyers and sellers, their intermediaries, attorneys, and CPA’s to facilitate their 1031 exchanges
  • Licensed real estate broker since 1979
  • Licensed in Colorado, Nebraska, & Kansas