Reck Agri 2016 Outlook Meeting took place at Reck Agri Realty & Auction Center in Sterling, CO, on January 19, 2016. Marc Reck and Dr. Brent Gloy, Ag Economist, gave attendees some insight on agricultural trends and other valuable information they
Featured Guest Speaker: Dr. Brent Gloy, Ag Economist; Opening from Marc Reck, Land Specialist at Reck Agri Realty & Auction
Reck Agri 2016 Outlook Meeting took place at Reck Agri Realty & Auction Center in Sterling, CO, on January 19, 2016. Marc Reck and Dr. Brent Gloy, Ag Economist, gave attendee
The graph to the right shows land values, commodity prices, and interest rates since 2000. For the past 5 years, we have experienced unprecedented farm income and bullish land markets. The burning question today is: With declining commodity prices, will land follow?
Marc Reck, local Farm and Ranch Real Estate Broker/Land Auctioneer, speaks at NJC. The Bank of Colorado hosted a community event at NJC entitled "Agriculture: What's Around the Corner and Down the Road". Marc Reck and Dr. Kohl, professor
Reck Agri is the featured business this month with the Logan County Chamber. Want to find out more about us? See this story published in the South Platte Sentinel on February 26, 2014...
Marc Reck helps with Hospice of the Plains Fundraiser at the Sterling Elks Club. The benefit helps provide hospice services in Logan, Morgan, Phillips, Sedgwick, Yuma and Washington Counties. See the South Platte Sentinel article for more information
Marc Reck, Reck Agri Realty & Auction, helps with the Hospice of the Plains annual Fundraiser in Sterling, Colorado. The Journal Advocate covered the event in the Local News. Click photo below to find our more about this event.
We have been waiting to hear more on the Farm Billi and most recent news from "THE HILL" predicts it will it be the real deal on Monday, February 3, 2013. The 2008 Farmi Bill exired on October 1. Until the new measure is released, spring planting
I ran across this story and found it interesting on how quickly new technology for farmers develops into new business directives. There is a new technology offered by ag business and seed companies that maps out ground soils and adjust seed types to
Over the past several years, we have experienced unprecedented commodity prices, land values, and net farm income. As you well know, the lower commodity prices we’ve experienced the past sever-al months have caused concerns, assumptions are being made, and questions are being asked, “What are land v